Majority of us don´t really like cleaning, especially if we have tons to things to attend to than just fixing everything at home. However, there are also homeowners who enjoys cleaning and staying at home. Especially if their cleaning routine is spiced up with their favourite playlist.
Rather than procastinating or postposning chores, why not make an attempt to make cleaning and doing household fun and easy by listening to upbeat music or music that actually boosts your mood? This way, you are sure that your cleaning routine is definitely effective and efficient.
Cleaning Makes You Productive
If you’re not looking forward to cleaning out your house after getting back from a vacation or filling out that nasty excel spreadsheet at the end of the month with your finances, music can help.
Because listening to music you like is pleasurable, it will not only make the task seem more fun but as research shows, it actually help you complete the task faster.
Indeed that beat of the sound improves your mood and makes you want to finish your boring tasks faster. The motivation here is to finish your task faster so that you can have more time to rest.
Cleaning and Music Becomes a Routine
The magic of music comes into play the most when you’re an expert at what you do, even if it’s something as challenging as surgery.
A study in the Journal of the American Medical Associationreported that surgeons worked more accurately when music they liked was playing in the background (music that they didn’t like was second best, and no music was least helpful of all).
If you’re working on something that you have done many times before, even if it’s complicated, your performance can increase and errors become less likely when you listen to music you like.
Final Thoughts
Not only that music makes you productive in your daily chores but it also improve your mood and makes you want to do the things you don´t really like doing. Indeed, it gives you positive results that you never really anticipated of having.
Since we are talking about house and cleanings stuffs, you can also check out tile leveling system when you are getting a revamp on your house flooring.