Too much exposure to noise including hard rock music, could be among the frequent reasons for loss of hearing senses along with the most typical diseases acquired from work.
There are millions of Americans who are now experiencing complete hearing damage due to loud noise. And there are still millions at risk from overly loud noise at home, work, and place of recreation.
You might be surprised to know that damage in hearing senses is not the only damage that one can get from loud noise. There are actually plenty other serious issues that may develop with continuous exposure.
See Also: Healthcare Analytics Companies in stress management said that sounds can actually risk a person in illness. Loud Noise, Loud music, and noise coming from the streets or what is called Noise Pollution raises the levels of anxiety where heart rate and blood pressure increase. There is also a high chance of a person to experience insomnia.
Here are other diseases that may develop from Noise Pollution
Acoustic Neuroma. Anyone experiencing severe exposure to loud noise have a greater probability to have acoustic neuroma, although non-cancerous tumor, it can block the ear drums that may lead to hearing loss.
Risk of Heart Attack. Heart attacks due to severe tension and increased stress levels.
Increase in High Blood Pressure. With increased heart rate, chances are blood pressure increases too.
Loud Noise originates from everywhere; the streets, your workplace, even concerts, and hard rock music. Many members of known hard rock bands old or new are actually experiencing hearing difficulties. Many employees working in industries exposed to noise such as drilling, grinding, traffic, and even the marketplace are experiencing hearing impairments. Everyone is at risk. As they say, prevention is better than cure.
Here are ways to prevent hearing loss and other diseases associated with it
- Wearing earplugs. If you know your workplace is always exposed to noise, it helps to use earplugs.
- Minimum Volume. Headsets, TVs, and radios should be turned on at minimum to mid volume.
- Sound proof your home to protect if from noise from the outside.
- Light music, relaxation music is better than hard core and upbeat tunes.
- Appliance with less noise. Opt to purchase appliances that emit less noise.
- A trip to the rural area is a great way to escape the loud noise of the city, even for just a day.